More About Me
This is where I'll put any fun facts if I think of them
Took AP Computer Science learning Java and competed in RoboCup Jr. Some code samples for both are availible on my GitHub. Other classes included AP US History, AP Calc I, AP Econ Micro/Macro, AP Physics E+M, as well as an introductory course on vector calculus taught as Calculus III. I also had a Senior Capstone that went over the basics of React Native and gave me the time to learn about the arduino platform and soldering.
Passed out of introductory programming class in python CSCI128, and took introductory C++ class CSCI200. Took Data Structures and Algorithms class in C++ CSCI220. Some other classes of note inclue intro Chemistry, intro Physics (mechanics), Calculus I & II, and Design (includes lessons on CAD using Solid Works).
In order of proficiency: C++, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. I am currently learning a lot about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as of time of writing (July 2024). I had not used any until this summer, but have been working with them about 4-5 hrs a day, 5 days a week so my proficiency is increasing well. Skills I have learned are using flex, vh/vw on the frontend, and async functions, promises, and NodeJs on the backend. My proficiency in C++ was aquired from two college courses, one on the language itself and the other in a data structures and algorithms course. Skills I have learned are Memory Mangement (addresses and, pointers), and other knowledge surrounding lower level implementations of built in features of other languages.
In the summer of 2022 I switched my main daily OS to Arch Linux. I had been using Windows as my primary OS, but I knew that there was a lot I could learn from using a linux distro as my daily driver. I am so happy I made that change! Using Arch has taught me about cmd line navigation and how to use many standard unix commands in a way that can only be learned through repetetive exposure. Arch will also gladly destroy itself without asking the user if they are sure. While definately a learning hurdle, it has taught me to be EXTRA careful when interacting with computers via cli. My plunge into linux eventually emerged into running a server. I first ran my applications on my desktop machine, but later moved to a rack mounted server running debian (That's the machine running this now!) with each application containerized.
Some other skills I have experience in include networking, docker, and apache. My home network is maintained by myself using a unifi router/switch with APs connected through a combination of cable and meshing. I learned this year how to cut Cat5e to my desired length, so I could get clearner - and cheaper - cable runs. Docker, docker-compose, and apache also power my server.
I made the frontend and js for the website announcing work on the Oral History Project (some images and all content were provided by Daniel McMullan). After that project I made the GitHub repository for all work on a tool for finding and catagorizing oral history recordings and transcripts. Subsequently I have worked on the backend with NodeJs, apache, and docker to create the data base and streamline testing.
Over both camps I supervised a floor of approximately 12 children ages 9-14. I oversaw a variety of activities such as making a model plane with a foam wire cutter, several lessons on arduino and RobotC, and other STEAM projects involving hot glue, exacto knives, and lots of card board.
I mainly worked at point of sales using square and then bagging baked goods. Sometimes I would also Barrista making espresso beverages. My shift would also include cleaning and/or setup of the shop.
Salisbury Oral History Project (June 2024-Current), Daniel McMullan
Mercersburg Academy (June 2023), Andy Brown: 717-328-6134
Sweet William's Coffee Shop & Backery (June 2022-August 2022), Micheal Lampro: (860) 435-3005